S1E0 Hello and Welcome!
This audio blog, Daily SpEd Reading, gives you real-life strategies, tips, tricks, and resources for your special education class. With the author's permission, I read to you the best articles found online from amazing SpEducators, professionals, and parents. Perfect for special education teachers, support staff, related services, and parents or guardians of special needs students.
Starting in August 2022.
Want your blog read?
Email Mrs. Kolo at dailyspedreading@gmail.com or fill out the form here!
About the DSR narrator:
Mrs. Kolo is a self-contained special education teacher in Texas. For the 22-23 school year, she will be starting her 10th year teaching in an Adapted Learning Environment. She loves working with low-incidence disabilities and enjoys sharing her knowledge of teaching through her teacher-author blog: Oh So Kolo.
Kolo has fallen in love with podcasts, listening back and forth to work. She wants to make these awesome SpEd blogs available to audio-listening lovers!
Kolo has fallen in love with podcasts, listening back and forth to work. She wants to make these awesome SpEd blogs available to audio-listening lovers!
The Daily SpEd Reading Episodes will be released on weekday mornings with permission from the blog authors. Check this blog for episode show notes, the author's social media information, and any related resources and sponsors that were mentioned in the episode!
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Email list coming soon!!
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